Can i blog without a title? Because i cant think of one.
~ bimbotic aura
My blog is dead. Like seriously and totally~ Coming to that. Does bimbo apply to ugly people? Since bimbos have exaggerated interest in their own sex appeal. Oh my god~ I cannot imagine an ugly girl behaving like she is sexy~. Its so ............................. ( brain juice runs out ) whatever~
My life is so normal. Days spend with my girlfriend, at work and friends. Ok i think someone is saying. Change girlfriend again? or which girlfriend? or something like such a flirt! HAHA!! I am quite faithful right? Please dont say that to me! Ya right, a kettle calling the pot black. Sorry about that, I was talking to myself.
I cannot wait to get into the army, or in another word cannot wait to leave my girlfriend. HAHA!!! JUST JOKING!!! See my girlfriend so cute!

Poor me! See my sad face over there! Don't even have the appetite to drink my tea. Still full.
Oh and my girlfriend's latest Vlog is really cute. You should check it out but i am not gonna give you the link. HA! BYE!