Hockey alert!
Today i got whack by suren on the feet with his stick and rayson lifting the ball hitting my shin. Got one tan line of blueblack for the stick hit and bump on my shin for the ball. But sadly nothing can be worse compared to ahmad getting hit by the hockey ball, IN HIS FACE. Dont know if his nose still intact. So scary i can hear the breaking of nose sound from 20 yards. I saw blood all over~ After that he is send to the hospital. Please do not let all this incident prevent you from playing hockey. It is still fun!

Omg Nan, you are damn funny I swear. Something so serious you make it sound so hilarious la!
Eh! scary la. Wa lao! Second person shun ting send to the hospital already. Whose next? you?
"Second person shun ting send to the hospital already."
Hai lor, I agree. EH, don't curse me please!! BFF no more! ):
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